

Before - Radiation + Chemical PeelRadiation
Before - Radiation - Head + Neck CancerAfter - Radiation - Head + Neck Cancer

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Holly Brown, Looking & Feeling Fab

“I started using NeoGenesis products when treatment started, and my nurses were amazed… My skin would peel but it never got to the point where it would blister or scab. I was using Recovery Spray and Oralease for the inside of my mouth and they were amazed that I didn’t have any sores inside my mouth. I’m excited to get back to living life and I owe a lot of that to NeoGenesis.” – TG


Recovery (spray), Oralease*, Barrier Renewal Cream


3x Daily (AM + PM)

*Products currently in testing

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Holly Brown, Looking & Feeling Fab

“I started using NeoGenesis products when treatment started, and my nurses were amazed… My skin would peel but it never got to the point where it would blister or scab. I was using Recovery Spray and Oralease for the inside of my mouth and they were amazed that I didn’t have any sores inside my mouth. I’m excited to get back to living life and I owe a lot of that to NeoGenesis.” – TG


Recovery (spray), Oralease*, Barrier Renewal Cream


3x Daily (AM + PM)

*Products currently in testing