Chemotherapy (Hair + Lash + Brow Loss)

Chemotherapy (Hair + Lash + Brow Loss)

Chemotherapy (Rash)

“This client was dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy when she started on the NeoGenesis hair products 4 months into her chemo treatments. She was experiencing rapid hair loss, including her lashes and brows. She was completely bald in areas and had lost most of her lashes and brows.

She started using Hair Thickening Serum, NeoLash and NeoBrow, twice daily for the first 30 days, and then once a day after. We started to see new growth very quickly, especially her hair. In less than 6 weeks it had filled in all the bald spots. Her brows also grew back quite quickly, while her lashes took some additional time, which we expected.

She is very happy with the products and looks amazing! – DH


Hair Thickening Serum, NeoLash, NeoBrow


2x Daily for 30 days (AM + PM)

1x Daily after 30 days

“This client was dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy when she started on the NeoGenesis hair products 4 months into her chemo treatments. She was experiencing rapid hair loss, including her lashes and brows. She was completely bald in areas and had lost most of her lashes and brows.

She started using Hair Thickening Serum, NeoLash and NeoBrow, twice daily for the first 30 days, and then once a day after. We started to see new growth very quickly, especially her hair. In less than 6 weeks it had filled in all the bald spots. Her brows also grew back quite quickly, while her lashes took some additional time, which we expected.

She is very happy with the products and looks amazing! – DH


Hair Thickening Serum, NeoLash, NeoBrow


2x Daily for 30 days (AM + PM)

1x Daily after 30 days