Aging Skin

Aging Skin

Aging Skin
Aging Skin
Before + After - Aging Skin

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Annkeit Ssharma, Shamin Skin Care

“This 60 year old female client is happy with the progress and will continue using the skin care regimen. She is really happy with the bridge of the nose and above the eye has improved so much with the laxity. She didn’t think it would change. In the eye area, you can see the heaviness from the beginning, but now it has a significant lift. There is more fullness in the center of the face. I see improvement with the fine lines in between the eyebrows, as well as the divets in the chin. The laugh lines in the corner of her mouth as softening. The center apple of the cheek is starting to plump. Facial volume is increasing.” – Annkeit Ssharma

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Annkeit Ssharma, Shamin Skin Care

“This 60 year old female client is happy with the progress and will continue using the skin care regimen. She is really happy with the bridge of the nose and above the eye has improved so much with the laxity. She didn’t think it would change. In the eye area, you can see the heaviness from the beginning, but now it has a significant lift. There is more fullness in the center of the face. I see improvement with the fine lines in between the eyebrows, as well as the divets in the chin. The laugh lines in the corner of her mouth as softening. The center apple of the cheek is starting to plump. Facial volume is increasing.” – Annkeit Ssharma