

Before + After - Radiation for Squamous Cell CarcinomaRadiation
Before + After - AcneAcne
Before + After - Acne

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Srita Edgecomb, The Honey Pot

“My client is a young teenager who was having major struggles with her skin including acne, eczema and sensitive skin. She is very active in sports, which really exacerbated her problem skin.

She started out using NeoGenesis Cleanser, which she really liked, and then was ready to commit to a strict skin care regime. I sent her home with Skin Serum, Salicylic Acid Gel, Mandelic Acid 8%, Barrier Renewal Cream and the Enzyme Crème Mask.

As you can see from the photos, her skin has really improved. She feels great and was able to go to her high school dance and feel completely confident in her skin.” – Srita Edgecomb

Before + After - Acne

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Srita Edgecomb, The Honey Pot

“My client is a young teenager who was having major struggles with her skin including acne, eczema and sensitive skin. She is very active in sports, which really exacerbated her problem skin.

She started out using NeoGenesis Cleanser, which she really liked, and then was ready to commit to a strict skin care regime. I sent her home with Skin Serum, Salicylic Acid Gel, Mandelic Acid 8%, Barrier Renewal Cream and the Enzyme Crème Mask.

As you can see from the photos, her skin has really improved. She feels great and was able to go to her high school dance and feel completely confident in her skin.” – Srita Edgecomb

Before + After - Acne